Since its inception, the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) has rescued over one-hundred features from the void, including the works of exploitation pioneer Doris Wishman, underground trash-art king Jon Moritsugu, Riot Grrrl icon Sarah Jacobson, and found-footage founder Joe Dante. AGFA’s archives house over six-thousand 35mm film prints, a 4K scanner, and prestigious libraries such as the Something Weird archive. AGFA exists to preserve the legacy of genre movies through collection, conservation, and distribution. AGFA satisfies this mission by rescuing, restoring, and sharing largely forgotten films on home video and in theaters, as well as providing film scanning and restoration services. Celebrating this milestone and its Seattle connection through Something Weird Video, AGFA and SIFF are proud to partner to bring you the greatest genre films from the AGFA Archive.
Tickets for August 1-8 screenings on sale now. Tickets on sale August 1 for August 23-30 screenings.